Muscle Strength how?

How to gain more muscle strength

Squats, bench presses and pull-ups belong to the muscle strength building training category. Each of these exercises uses and activates more than 50 percent of the total body muscles. During muscle building training, the body holistically builds stable muscles by sending out lots of growth stimuli.

How should you train if you want to build muscle? Beginners train twice a week, advanced trainees up to 5 times. 30 to 60 minutes per training session is ideal. You shouldn’t lift for longer, minus the warm-up and cool-down, otherwise you’ll prevent your muscles from regenerating and therefore from growing.

These are the 5 of the best exercises for building muscle.

The key to successful muscle building is strength training combined with a protein-rich diet. In order for muscles to grow, they must be regularly trained to the point of exhaustion and continually challenged by new training stimuli. Of course, strength training is only one side of the medal, if you want to get your body in a good shape. Nutrition is just as important.

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  1. Called deadlift, it is one of the most important basic exercises in strength training. It is so effective because it trains the entire body. You can do them with barbells or dumbbells. A resistance band with high resistance is also suitable for use at home. There are different variations of the exercise that target different parts of your thigh and gluteal muscles: deadlifting in a narrow stance is called the Romanian deadlift. If you have a wide stance, it is called a sumo deadlift. Muscles: thighs, glutes, lower back, core

2. Called squats, Position in an upright, stable position. Knees and hips are stretched. The feet are shoulder-width apart and point slightly outwards at an angle of about 20 degrees. Now squat down by bending your hips and knees and lowering your buttocks towards your heels. Muscles: thighs, glutes workout

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3. Bench press, here the focus is on the upper body muscles, especially the chest muscles. Tense your lower back and pull your shoulder blades together so that your back forms a slight but stable hollow back. Your bottom and shoulders touch the bench, are tense and stabilize your core. Your body lies firmly and securely on the bench without wobbling. Muscles: chest, arms

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4. Pull-ups are one of the most effective and at the same time most demanding exercises in strength training. This is how the basic version works: Hold a pull-up bar slightly wider than shoulder width, with your palms facing forward. Lift your feet off the floor without swaying. Body tension is required here. Pull your body up until your chin has clearly cleared the bar. Muscles: arms, upper back

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5. The ultimate exercise for a strong back is shoulder press. Grab two dumbbells and pull your shoulders back. Your elbows are directly under the bar. Then tense your muscles and push the barbell upwards. Make sure your movements are controlled and exhale as you press. The shoulder press is an all-round exercise. Not only can you use it to build muscle, but it also helps you lose weight. How it works? Quite simply, the more muscle you have, the higher your calorie consumption. Muscles: shoulders, arms, upper back.

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The important thing is to find fun in training and to add variety in order to literally stay on the ball. HIIT is a modern training method in which short exercise phases of usually 20-60 seconds alternate several times with short active recovery phases of around 10-30 seconds. The training equipment used is primarily bicycle ergometers, cross trainers, treadmills and rowing machines.

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13 thoughts on “Muscle Strength how?”

  1. When you exercise and lift weights, you create tiny tears in your muscle fibres.
    Rest and recovery periods allow your body to repair these.
    This is what leads to muscle growth and increased muscle strength.


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